Virgo Season Crystals - 2017
Ah, Virgo Season. I personally welcome it, because it is when I really feel my mind begins to focus again and I seriously start to make...

Virgo Season Equals Self Reflection
The Sun entering Virgo the day after the eclipse in Leo may have felt like the grown ups arriving home and turning all the lights on,...

August 21, 2017 - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo
How we doin’? Still breathing? Then we’re ok. There’s been some turbulence on this ride so far. An abundance of energy for sure too. It...

Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius - August 7, 2017
Well, we are in the thick of eclipse season! On top of the North Node/South Node energy of Leo/Aquarius still being emphasized (May...

My 2018 Desire Map Planner Arrived!
Loving my Wednesday! The rains have made our front yard burst with life and my Danielle LaPorte 2018 Desire Map Planner arrived! I love...

Crystals for Leo Season
The following are some crystal suggestions for LEO Season: Sunstone - stone of personal power + encourages independence + promotes...

New Moon In Leo, July 23, 2017
We have a New Moon tomorrow morning and some other upcoming energies as well: - New Moon in almost 1 degree of Leo on July 23rd, 2017 at...

Sagittarius Full Moon, June 9, 2017
Full Moon in Sagittarius today, June 9th at 9:10 am EST. Sagittarius is about seeking truth and understanding. The energies surrounding...