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Virgo Season Equals Self Reflection

The Sun entering Virgo the day after the eclipse in Leo may have felt like the grown ups arriving home and turning all the lights on, just as the party was bouncing into full force. However, the energy is very helpful in order to reflect, dissect, and ground what we all received during August 21. If you happen to feel stuck or desire a jumping off point to take hold of the current energies to begin to digest them and feel productive again, below are a few questions you may want to explore. Are my daily actions and practices align with my Personal Truth or getting me closer to It? If not, how can I change where I spend my time and energy? Do I allow time for self care? If not, how can I begin to incorporate it more into my daily life? Am I living any false truths regarding helping others? Examples: I take on someone else's responsibilities because it makes me a good person or because it is easier in the long run for all involved. If so, where and how can I begin to draw healthier boundaries for personal responsibilities? Whatever question(s) may be entering your consciousness right now, do not feel like you must take any action yet (especially until Mercury goes Direct on Sept 5). This is a time for going within and reflecting on what you are personally doing to either feed your Truth or keep it starving.

(Image author unknown, please contact me if you are the artist.)

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