Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo

Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! January 20/21, 12:16am EST at 0 degrees Leo. The eclipse phase from 10:35pm to 1:51am, peaking around midnight EST. Lunar Eclipses illuminate the subconscious and amps up a Full Moon’s purge and release. Since February 2017, we’ve had an overlaying eclipse cycle with the Aquarius/Leo axis energies. This was also emphasized with the North Node in Leo/South Node in Aquarius from May 2017 to November 2018. Tonight’s Leo Lunar Eclipse puts a big red stamp ending a cycle. For some, it may even feel like a graduation. Think of the themes and lessons you’ve been working through during this time. Cultivating creativity and innovation, syncing the Heart and Mind, and individuality vs group dynamics are a few you may have encountered. Whatever your unique experience, reflect and honor your work through this time. A new path lays ahead. Other energies involved: Uranus in Aries squares the Sun & Moon, which can bring out rebellious and radical confrontations. Electrifying psychic visions may occur. Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn, possibly sparking some impatience. However, Mars also trines both Venus & Jupiter in jovial freedom loving Sagittarius—providing a quick “shake it off” for any hairy Full Moon situations. Artwork by Donia Lilly