Introduction to Chiron, The Wounded Healer
Today and the beginning of this coming week I’ll be posting on Chiron. Chiron is transiting out of Pisces (Feb. 8, 2011 to April 18,...

Full Moon in Aries - October 5, 2017
Full Moon in Aries later today at 11:40 am PDT/2:40 pm EDT. “Who am I? When all the labels and layers are peeled off?” Each of us needs...

Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius - August 7, 2017
Well, we are in the thick of eclipse season! On top of the North Node/South Node energy of Leo/Aquarius still being emphasized (May...

New Moon In Leo, July 23, 2017
We have a New Moon tomorrow morning and some other upcoming energies as well: - New Moon in almost 1 degree of Leo on July 23rd, 2017 at...