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Full Moon in Aries - October 5, 2017

Full Moon in Aries later today at 11:40 am PDT/2:40 pm EDT.

“Who am I? When all the labels and layers are peeled off?” Each of us needs a healthy sense of self in order to have healthy relationships.

The Full Moon in Aries wants us to explore the shadow aspects within ourselves to illuminate the shadows in our relationships in order to progress as individuals and with others. Shadow aspects are not strictly negative either, but reviewing the “I vs. We” can help to balance out situations where we are either being too independent or interdependent.

It also can be a time to release toxic mindsets, emotions, and stories about ourselves. Many of our identity attachments are not even ours - someone or something placed them in our subconsciousness (both intentionally and unintentionally) and made us believe “I am ____”. Let the true core of you shine through.

One of the ways I like to regard my core self is through my inner child. Aries represents the Warrior or the Ram going head first into situations, but she is also the first aspect of the eternal child in all of us. She is that purely connected being, the closest we are to our True Spirit until the moment we leave this life. Journey back to that child. What is not true for that child, is not true for your core self.

Another energy assisting with individual consciousness is Pluto in Capricorn squaring the Full Moon in Aries and the Sun and Mercury in Libra (forming a T-Square). Pluto went Direct from its retrograde last Thursday, so its forward motion is progressing the transformation of internal constructs within our psyche. Many beliefs and doctrines aren’t relevant or required anymore. So we are not only getting back to our core, but also evolving our core foundation. This is not an easy metamorphosis, especially for individuals who are not self-aware. We perhaps can see this within some interpersonal connections and definitely throughout the collective. Conflicts may arise in personal relationship during this time--it is tough for people to let go, especially when they don’t know what the hell is going on. Be empathetic, but honor yourself and your boundaries.

Beautiful image above is from unknown artist. Please contact me if you are the artist.

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