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New Moon in Taurus - May 15, 2018

Free Your Mind, by Sir Realist Designs

New Moon in Taurus today welcomes Uranus entering Taurus after a 7 year journey in Aries (3.5 hrs after New Moon exact). Uranus will travel through Taurus until 2026. So this New Moon is not only a new Moon cycle, but also a new Uranus cycle. One that will take us over half way into the next decade. Uranus in Aries (March 2011-May 2018) was about stepping into your own power or at least awakening to it. Discovering our inner leader and courage. Some of us may have even overhauled our own identity and relationship to the self. Uranus in Taurus will revolve around a healthy relationship with the physical world. Not too attached, but not too detached. Connection with our bodies and reintegrating with the rest of Nature. Examining self worth, what we value, and gives us security. Envisioning new possibilities with economics, technology, and humanaritism. Venus (rules Taurus) currently in Gemini makes a “mutual reception” with Mercury (rules Gemini) in Taurus, says that we need to change our own perception of the physical world in order to make change in the material plane. As within, so without. If we surrender to new possibilities, we can embrace the the change Uranus brings in order to find new ways of stability and security. New definitions of beauty, comfort, and abundance. Use this Moon cycle to reflect on the changes you’ve made within since 2011. Then allow the sparks of Uranus to begin to imagine how you want to form your reality in the years to come.

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