New Moon in Aries - April 15, 2018

New Moon in Aries at 26 degrees on Sunday, April 15. Igniting energy surrounding this New Moon. Mercury will go direct in Aries about 12 hours earlier. The New Moon will be in close conjunction with Uranus (exact on April 18) which will be the last time in the next 80 years a New Moon/Uranus conjunct in Aries will occur. Aries initiates, wants independence, and charges through challenges. New Moons are about planting seeds and new intentions. Uranus is about surprises, breakthroughs, and breaking free. Mercury going direct relates to our thinking and communications moving forward again. So all very complimentary energy, but A LOT of it.
Whatever is not grounded in integrity will be shaken up and shaken off. Breakthroughs leading to progress, growth, and inner liberation. You may find yourself having epiphanies, sudden clarity, and radical change in your perception. Utilize this energy to initiate forward-looking ideas and shift personal paradigms. This New Moon also is the beginning of other astrological shifts coming up with Chiron (a comet symbolized as the “wounded healer”) moving out of Pisces into Aries on April 18 and Uranus moving out of Aries and into Taurus in May. Chiron was last in Aries between 1968 to 1977. For many of us, we’ll be encountering our Chiron return. More details in a future post. And with Uranus, we are wrapping up a cycle that began in 2011, preparing for a new one through its journey in Taurus (May 2018-April 2026). So hang on to your butts, folks. A new journey’s launch is counting down.