Full Moon in Virgo, March 1, 2018

Full Moon in Virgo tonight at 11 degrees. Great time to release unhealthy habits and clutter, not only in our dwelling spaces but also in our schedule and our minds. Clear up what does not serve. Blank spaces provide potential, clarity, and room for what the Universe wants you to receive.
Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune brings opportunities for subconscious emotional issues to surface for healing. Vivid dreams and possibly neurotic feelings and confusion may accompany, but it all allows what needs to come through in order to be attended. Be of service to your own healing.
Mercury and Venus are conjunct (partnered) in Pisces also, aiding in the process to bring both heart and mind in unison during this time. Mars in Sagittarius will square both of them, bringing some tension with old hierarchical thinking of how to navigate. Let Love be your guidance system.
Personally, I’m going to imagine myself in this amazing private meditation studio at MNDFL in NYC. Designed by Shelly Lynch-Sparks. Photo by Claire Esparros.